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Arjune Teeluck

Thinker, Poet and Author

Social, Cultural and Political Activist

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It provokes self-introspection as it comprehensively deals with comparative religion and ethics, social justice and humanity. Delivered in the author's own unique style, I find it intellectually stimulating and edifying.

Abhisek Kumar Sandilya

Book Review

Praise & Reviews

An interesting, intellectual collection of poems which transcends through time, spacial elements and spiritual thinking!
Read and open up the universe of your mind!

Rajwatee Ali

Library assistant II
National Library and Information System Authority
Ministry of Education
Government of Trinidad and Tobago
Book Review

When I was asked to read the manuscript, 'Mind-self' and offer editorial suggestions, I readily accepted. Mr. Teeluck is a well known dramatist and playwriter. He won the Prime Minister's Best Village Trophy Competition in the "Village Chat" category. He also won the "National Golden rod Jubilee College Competition" and placed first in the Victoria East poetry and short story competition.

Clifton De Coteau

Elected Member of Parliament
Minister of Multiculturalism and the Arts.
Government of Trinidad and Tobago.

My Community of writers

I have a wonderful network of writers, thinkers and people who challenge the status quo. Join me on these groups to be part of my community of writers and to see updates from myself

Facebook Group "WRITE" 
To facilitate writers all - Providing a forum for critical reviews. (Poems, sayings/aphorisms/short stories/songs)

Facebook Group "NEW POLITICS"
This group discusses current national and international issues and seeks to promulgate the principles of socio-economic and political equity.

Facebook Group "ISMS(A)THEISM"

This is an "Open Group" that discusses Theism/Atheism and related 'Isms'.

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About Arjune Teeluck

Born 1949 in a rural village, Lengua, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. Arjune Teeluck is the author of books, plays, short stories, articles, poetry and documentaries on science, politics, philosophy and comparative religion. He is the author of recently published books: "mind-self", "In-sight" and the renowned play; "Crab in Barrel."

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